Piano Technicians Guild
Oklahoma Chapter Minutes
April 21, 2005

The meeting was held at Cantrell’s Piano Clinic in Lawton.

Call to order given at 9:40am by Bob Scheer.

The invocation was given by Norman Cantrell.

The minutes were read, corrected and accepted.

Treasurer’s report: Current balance $3,531.57.

Newsletter report: Barbara says, “Need more articles.”

It was requested that cell phone ringers be turned off during the meeting.
Ross Trawick has dropped his membership due to hardships
Bill Davis, SCRVP broke his ankle on a piano move.
Dale Probst, PTG Secretary gave a talk on the upcoming national convention in Kansas City, MO, June and the TSA seminar in Austin, TX, October. Go to www.ptg.org for more information. Insurance/liability ideas for piano tuners was also mentioned.

Old business:
1) The nominating committee, consisting of David Bonham, Nathan Sobel and Dave Scroggins submitted the following names thus far for next year’s officers: President-Bob Scheer, Vice President-?, Secretary-Nathan Sobel, Treasurer-Gary Bruce, Newsletter Editor-Barbara Bonham.
2) No new advertisements were initiated for the chapter, nor were any other ones suggested at this time.

No new business.

There were two technical presentations. The first was by Dale Probst concerning tying knots/bends in piano wire. He used heavy gauge electrical wire to demonstrate this activity so it was visually obvious how to do it. He also demonstrated on older upright in Norman’s shop.

The second technical was presented by Norman Cantrell concerning bridges. He showed the three main types and the different approaches as to how they are attached to sound boards. He also addressed ways to repair bridge pins that have become loose in the wood. He also had excellent items to show that helped visually to understand.

Terrific presentations by top notch technicians in the industry.

Fourteen (14) persons were in attendance: Norman Cantrell, Ben Davis, Nathan Sobel, David & Barbara Bonham, Shem Taggart, Keith McGavern, Greg Lynch, Bob Scheer, Charlie Lewis, Dale Probst, Liz Ward, David Anderson, David Lucas.

Chapter archive site at http://www.ptg.org/chapters/oklahoma/
For pics taken at this meeting http://www.ptg.org/chapters/oklahoma/pics/2005p/april/21st.html

Respectfully submitted,
Keith McGavern, RPT
Chapter Secretary